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Craig Shoji along with his wife, Danica, went on a mission trip with their church. First Presbyterian Church of Honolulu (FPC), to work alongside San Francisco City Impact in June 2015. City Impact serves the houseless and low income in the Tenderloin, the toughest district of San Francisco. Upon returning home Craig was inspired to serve the houseless people and low-income families.

Thinking that having clean clothes would be a help to houseless people, in
October 2015, they founded FPC Laundry Love. FPC Laundry Love, through a partnership with Waimanalo Laundry Service, pays for the cost to help the Waimanalo houseless, low income, and anyone in the community. While the guests are waiting for their laundry to go through the cycle they provided a hot meal and a time for fellowship and to build relationships. They managed FPC Laundry Love for 17 months before passing the program to Laura Kay Rand while they focused on establishing Revive + Refresh. Craig and Danica are the founders of Revive + Refresh to offer Mobile Hygiene Services (showers, toilets) for the houseless individuals.

Craig Shoji is born and raised in Hilo and Honolulu, Hawaii. Craig graduated
from Honolulu Community College with an Associates Degree in Occupational and Environmental Safety Management. Craig is a Safety Manager with Hawaiian Cement, and a safety instructor with Painters Union Local 1791. He has many years of experience in managing people in the airline, insurance and construction industries.

Danica Fong-Shoji is born and raised in Singapore. She graduated from Hawaii Pacific University with the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA), and attained a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license with the State of Hawaii. Danica has been with various CPA firms and started her own accounting practice in January 1999. She has experience in taxes, accounting, bookkeeping, payroll, IRS audit, organization skills, and attends to details. Danica volunteered once a week at the Women’s Community Correctional Center at Kailua, Hawaii from October 2014 to December 2015. She taught the women balancing the check book, understanding the financial statements, basic bookkeeping, and calculating payroll and payroll withholding taxes. Craig, Danica and their two children are regular volunteers at FPC Laundry Love.

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"Revive + Refresh is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization which provides a mobile hygiene center for the houseless community on Oahu. All contributions are tax deductible.

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